Team Christin

Team Christin's Fundraiser

Help Us Continue Our 45 Year Mission to Provide Mental Health Services. image

Help Us Continue Our 45 Year Mission to Provide Mental Health Services.

Join me and help make a difference, please give today.

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

$1,790 towards $1,500

Join me in supporting real change. As a proud employee of the Kenneth Young Center, I can tell you that the mental health services provided to children, adolescents and adults, as well as senior services, are beneficial on both a personal level for our clients, as well as a societal level for our community.

Many of our clients at KYC come from homes affected by poverty, abuse, exposure to drug and alcohol use, as well as mentally ill caregivers. Kenneth Young Center's involvement with the youth of the community we service provides an interruption in the cycle of abuse, addiction, and mental health issues that our society faces.

My team at KYC conducts psychiatric crisis assessments for kids and adolescents (up to age 21) who are struggling with thoughts of suicide and/or homicide or are in crisis. Following the assessment we facilitate psychiatric hospital placement or linkage to the appropriate support services. We provide stabilization services to both the client and their family to ensure that everyone involved is safe and has an opportunity for change.

My team is a small but important part of the larger picture that makes up the services the Kenneth Young has to offer. Let's support the great work this organization does. Help us create a stronger community through support for Kenneth Young Center. Just a small donation will go a long way in helping us meet our goal for the Kenneth Young Center 5k run/walk. Thank you!